
澄清员工对工作内外吸毒和酗酒的期望 通过员工阐明阻止药物使用/滥用的行政程序 awareness and for-cause testing. 

十大赌博信誉网站 specifically prohibits the use, unlawful distribution, or unlawful possession 酒精、非法药物或其他未经授权的受管制物质 controlled areas, or as part of its activities. 这个行政 rule specifically 禁止拥有或使用大麻产品在任何校园,或校园控制 属性.  这项禁令 includes the use of such substances during non-work 时间(如个人用餐/休息时间)或其他履行工作职责的时间 away from college premises, if such use may result in job impairment.  这项禁令 也适用于为大学相关活动而通宵旅行的员工 被要求或负责与学生有关的服务,因为损伤可能会阻止 服务质量和可能造成的潜在责任下的学院的责任和 workers’ compensation insurance policies. Included within this prohibition are lawful controlled substances which have been illegally or improperly obtained. 这个行政 规则不禁止拥有和正确使用合法规定或医生建议 drugs taken in accordance with the prescription or recommendation.

 Drugs and alcohol are not allowed on campus or at college-related functions except 因为它们与教学/学习过程有关,或者是特别允许和批准的 by 行政法规5045-01- Use of College Facilities and Food/Conference Services.  “高校相关函数” are work related activities or gatherings that produce specific work products, and where employees are present as a conditionof their employment.   这将不包括 参加纯粹自愿性质的聚会,不追求工作议程 and no work products are generated.  

 所有员工和/或赞助商的任何校园或大学赞助的活动或社会 event at which alcoholic beverages are served must abide by all applicable laws. 赞助商 must obtain and follow applicable procedures.

 The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 requires that any employee of the College who 已被定罪的违反法规涉及非法药品应通知 the Director of Human Resources within five days of the criminal conviction if the 导致该会员被定罪的行为发生在校园内或该会员在职期间 in activities sponsored by or connected to the College. The College should then make any reports to government agencies that may be required by law. 预计 任何观察到或知道其他员工处于某种状态的员工 哪个看起来是受损的,对他人构成危险的,或者是违反的 ,立即向主管或人力资源部门报告.

作为1989年无毒学校和社区法案的一部分,该学院成立了 毒品和酒精意识方案,告知学院社区成员: the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse; the College policy on drugs and alcohol use; 提供酒精和药物咨询、康复和员工援助方案; and the penalties that may be imposed for violations of this policy.

学院鼓励使用非法药物或滥用酒精的员工寻求帮助 适当的援助. Employees and/or dependents enrolled in any 十大赌博信誉网站 sponsored 根据俄勒冈州的规定,团体健康计划可为吸毒和酗酒者提供福利 法规.

 预防毒品和酒精委员会负责发展和协调 and implementing a comprehensive 十大赌博信誉网站 drug and alcohol abuse prevention program. 这 team is administered by the Manager for Student Conduct and Retention. 

To encourage employees to provide the highest quality services and to promote the 员工的安全和健康,在某些情况下,概述如下,学院 是否可以要求员工接受保密的第三方药物/酒精检查.

  1. 合理原因测试
    十大赌博信誉网站 reserves the right to request drug or alcohol testing if there is reasonable 怀疑雇员可能正在使用毒品或受到毒品的影响和/或 工作时饮酒.  “Reasonable suspicion” is an objective, factual, individualized 关注的基础,例如当员工的行为或外表被观察到时 suggests drug and/or alcohol use or possession of drugs and/or alcohol.  例子 where testing may be required include occasions when there is any:
  1. 可观察到的现象(实际使用或拥有),包括可靠的报告 on-the-job or off-site usage.
  2. 不正常的行为不能令人满意地解释不能归因于的情况 药物使用.
  3. An accident on employer time involving a motor vehicle or college equipment which 造成财产损失、伤害或人命损失(见事故后测试) 下图).

 在与雇员初步讨论后,学院有合理怀疑 that the employee may be in violation of this policy, the employee may be required to submit to confidential, third-party testing to determine the presence or use of 要么是酒精要么是毒品.  十大赌博信誉网站 reserves the right to determine whether a reasonable suspicion for testing exists.

B.  事故后测试
Any employee involved in or otherwise causing a job-related accident which causes personal injury to the employee, students, staff or others, that requires medical 医生或医院/诊所医务人员的治疗及其行为 may have caused or contributed to the accident, may be required to take an alcohol 和/或在事故发生后立即或在最初治疗时进行药物测试 被一个医疗机构.

任何员工参与或以其他方式造成事故,导致十大赌博信誉网站认为 substantial damage to 十大赌博信誉网站 property or to another's property while the employee is conducting College business may be required to take an alcohol and/or drug test.  此外,“未遂”事件,即没有人身或身体上的伤害或伤害 可能会被评估,十大赌博信誉网站将决定是否检测 drugs or alcohol for any or all employees involved.

确保所有测试结果的严格保密和所有员工的隐私, 所有关于药物和酒精测试的沟通样本采集测试结果 员工通知和纪律处分将由授权代表处理 学院人力资源部、第三方管理员或员工 援助计划.

In the event of a positive result, a Medical Review Officer (MRO) will contact the employee before notifying the college of the result.  The MRO will discuss any medications 由雇员的医生开出的可能影响测试结果的处方. 

 为了员工的安全和健康,任何被证实为阳性的员工 测试人员可以停止执行任务,并告知可用的物质 滥用专家(SAP)来评估和帮助解决任何药物滥用问题 可能存在.  Subsequently, and investigation of circumstances leading to the violation will be conducted by Human Resources.

Based on the facts leading to the discovery of a violation of this administrative 规则,员工可能会被转介到员工援助计划进行进一步评估 处理和/或可能面临纪律处分,包括停职或 放电. The nature and severity of the violation will determine the level of corrective 行动. As required by federal law, the College reserves the right to refer employees for prosecution depending on the severity of the violation. In addition to any disciplinary 可能针对个人,任何大学赞助或支持的行为 纵容或鼓励违反这一政策的团体可能会受到纪律处分 也可能是解散.

Any employee who refuses to submit to a drug or alcohol test may be evaluated by a SAP许可.  Such an employee may be placed on administrative leave of absence pending the results of an evaluation by the SAP.  Such an employee may be subject to disciplinary 行动 up to and including suspension or 放电.  Refusal to submit to a test includes, 但不限于:

  1. Failure to provide or unduly delaying a sample.
  2. Failure to remain at the testing site until the test is complete.
  3. Tampering with the specimen or collection procedure.
  4. 在进行测试前无正当理由离开事故现场的.

拒绝接受检测将带来与阳性结果相同的后果, including disciplinary 行动 as referenced above.  Any employee engaged in a safety 拒绝接受检测的敏感岗位将被立即调离 任何安全敏感职责.

DATE (S) OF REVISION(S): 6/7/12; 1/10/18; 1/6/22